Index Operations#
In the Getting Started documentation we already saw how we can add documents to our created Index.
The following shows the basic usage as already shown in the “Getting Started” documentation. Under the
variable we assume that you have already injected your created Engine
Save document#
To add a document to an index we can use the saveDocument
method. The only required field
for the document is the defined IdentifierField
all others are optional and don’t need to
be provided or can be null.
$this->engine->saveDocument('blog', [
'id' => '1',
'title' => 'My first blog post',
'description' => 'This is the description of my first blog post',
'tags' => ['UI', 'UX'],
To update a document the same method saveDocument
need to be used with the same identifier
Currently, you can use some kind of normalizer like symfony/serializer to convert an object to an array and back to an object at current state a Document Mapper or ODM package does not yet exist. If provided in future it will be part of an own package which make usage of SEAL. Example like doctrine/orm using doctrine/dbal. See ODM issue.
Delete document#
To remove a document from an index we can use the deleteDocument
method. It only requires
the name of the index and the identifier of the document which should be removed.
$this->engine->deleteDocument('blog', '1');
Reindex operations#
To reindex documents it is required to create atleast one ReindexProvider for
the index you want to reindex. The ReindexProvider is a class which implements
the ReindexProviderInterface
and provides the documents for your index.
class BlogReindexProvider implements ReindexProviderInterface
public function total(): ?int
return 3;
public function provide(ReindexConfig $reindexConfig): \Generator
// use `$reindexConfig->getIdentifiers()` or `$reindexConfig->getDateTimeBoundary()`
// to support partial reindexing
yield [
'id' => 1,
'title' => 'Title 1',
'description' => 'Description 1',
yield [
'id' => 2,
'title' => 'Title 2',
'description' => 'Description 2',
yield [
'id' => 3,
'title' => 'Title 3',
'description' => 'Description 3',
public static function getIndex(): string
return 'blog';
After that you can use the reindex
to index all documents:
When using the Standalone
version you need to reindex the documents
in your search engines via the Engine
instance which was created before:
$reindexProviders = [
new BlogReindexProvider(),
// reindex all indexes
$reindexConfig = \CmsIg\Seal\Reindex\ReindexConfig::create();
// reindex specific index and drop data before
$reindexConfig = \CmsIg\Seal\Reindex\ReindexConfig::create()
$engine->reindex($reindexProviders, $reindexConfig);
// reindex specific index since specific date
$reindexConfig = \CmsIg\Seal\Reindex\ReindexConfig::create()
->withDateTimeBoundary('-1 day');
$engine->reindex($reindexProviders, $reindexConfig);
// reindex specific identifiers
$reindexConfig = \CmsIg\Seal\Reindex\ReindexConfig::create()
->withIdentifiers([1, 2, 3]);
$engine->reindex($reindexProviders, $reindexConfig);
In Laravel the new created ReindexProvider
need to be tagged correctly:
<?php // app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
namespace App\Providers;
class AppServiceProvider extends \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider
// ...
public function boot(): void
$this->app->singleton(\App\Search\BlogReindexProvider::class, fn () => new \App\Search\BlogReindexProvider());
$this->app->tag(\App\Search\BlogReindexProvider::class, 'cmsig_seal.reindex_provider');
After correctly tagging the ReindexProvider
with seal.reindex_provider
command can be used to index all documents:
# reindex all indexes
php artisan cmsig:seal:reindex
# reindex specific index and drop data before
php artisan cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --drop --bulk-size=100
# reindex specific index since specific date
php artisan cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --drop --datetime-boundary="-1 day"
# reindex specific identifiers
php artisan cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --identifiers="1,2,3"
In Symfony autoconfigure
feature should already tag the new ReindexProvider
with the seal.reindex_provider
tag. If not you can tag it manually:
# config/services.yaml
- { name: cmsig_seal.reindex_provider }
After correctly tagging the ReindexProvider
use the following command to index all documents:
# reindex all indexes
bin/console cmsig:seal:reindex
# reindex specific index and drop data before
bin/console cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --drop --bulk-size=100
# reindex specific index since specific date
bin/console artisan cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --drop --datetime-boundary="-1 day"
# reindex specific identifiers
bin/console artisan cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --identifiers="1,2,3"
In Spiral the new created ReindexProvider
need to be registered correctly as reindex provider:
<?php // app/config/cmsig_seal.php
return [
// ...
'reindex_providers' => [
After correctly registering the ReindexProvider
use the following command to index all documents:
# reindex all indexes
php app.php cmsig:seal:reindex
# reindex specific index and drop data before
php app.php cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --drop --bulk-size=100
# reindex specific index since specific date
php app.php cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --drop --datetime-boundary="-1 day"
# reindex specific identifiers
php app.php cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --identifiers="1,2,3"
In Mezzio the new created ReindexProvider
need to be registered correctly as reindex provider:
<?php // src/App/src/ConfigProvider.php
class ConfigProvider
public function __invoke(): array
return [
// ...
'cmsig_seal' => [
// ...
'reindex_providers' => [
public function getDependencies(): array
return [
// ...
'invokables' => [
\App\Search\BlogReindexProvider::class => \App\Search\BlogReindexProvider::class,
// ...
After correctly registering the ReindexProvider
use the following command to index all documents:
# reindex all indexes
vendor/bin/laminas cmsig:seal:reindex
# reindex specific index and drop data before
vendor/bin/laminas cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --drop --bulk-size=100
# reindex specific index since specific date
vendor/bin/laminas cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --drop --datetime-boundary="-1 day"
# reindex specific identifiers
vendor/bin/laminas cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --identifiers="1,2,3"
In Yii the new created ReindexProvider
need to be registered correctly as reindex provider:
<?php // config/common/params.php
return [
// ...
'cmsig/seal-yii-module' => [
// ...
'reindex_providers' => [
After correctly registering the ReindexProvider
use the following command to index all documents:
# reindex all indexes
./yii cmsig:seal:reindex
# reindex specific index and drop data before
./yii cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --drop --bulk-size=100
# reindex specific index since specific date
./yii cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --drop --datetime-boundary="-1 day"
# reindex specific identifiers
./yii cmsig:seal:reindex --index=blog --identifiers="1,2,3"
Bulk operations#
If you want to add or remove multiple documents at once you can use the bulk
It requires the name of the index and which documents you want to save and/or remove.
index: 'blog',
saveDocuments: [
'id' => '1',
'title' => 'My first blog post',
'description' => 'This is the description of my first blog post',
'tags' => ['UI', 'UX'],
deleteDocumentIdentifiers: [
bulkSize: 100,
The bulk
method can be used to add and remove documents at once. The saveDocuments
support any kind of iterable
so you can use Generators
do performant bulk operations. The bulkSize
is used to split the operations into smaller chunks
and is by default 100
Next Steps#
After this short introduction about indexing we are able to add and remove our documents from the defined indexes.
In the next chapter, we examine the different conditions of Search & Filter Conditions the abstraction provides.