Create own Adapter#
In this part of the documentation describes how to create an own adapter. Before you start with it let us know via an issue if it maybe an Adapter which make sense to add to the SEAL core and we can work together to get it in it.
Install dependencies#
To create your own Adapter you need atleast the SEAL composer package:
composer require cmsig/seal
The project already ships a test suite based on PHPUnit to use it you need to install PHPUnit:
composer require phpunit/phpunit:”^9.6”
Create Basic Classes#
An own Adapter depends on the following classes which are responsible for all different operations:
(create and drop indexes)Indexer
(save and delete documents)Searcher
(search documents)
Create Adapter#
The Adapter is the main entry point for the own Adapter and provides access to the SchemaManager
, Indexer
and Searcher
namespace My\Own\Adapter;
use Some\Third\Party\Client;
use CmsIg\Seal\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use CmsIg\Seal\Adapter\IndexerInterface;
use CmsIg\Seal\Adapter\SchemaManagerInterface;
use CmsIg\Seal\Adapter\SearcherInterface;
final class MyAdapter implements AdapterInterface
private readonly SchemaManagerInterface $schemaManager;
private readonly IndexerInterface $indexer;
private readonly SearcherInterface $searcher;
public function __construct(
Client $client,
?SchemaManagerInterface $schemaManager = null,
?IndexerInterface $indexer = null,
?SearcherInterface $searcher = null,
) {
$this->schemaManager = $schemaManager ?? new MySchemaManager($client);
$this->indexer = $indexer ?? new MyIndexer($client);
$this->searcher = $searcher ?? new MySearcher($client);
public function getSchemaManager(): SchemaManagerInterface
return $this->schemaManager;
public function getIndexer(): IndexerInterface
return $this->indexer;
public function getSearcher(): SearcherInterface
return $this->searcher;
Create SchemaManager#
The SchemaManager
is responsible for creating and dropping indexes.
namespace My\Own\Adapter;
use Some\Third\Party\Client;
use CmsIg\Seal\Adapter\SchemaManagerInterface;
use CmsIg\Seal\Schema\Index;
use CmsIg\Seal\Task\AsyncTask;
use CmsIg\Seal\Task\TaskInterface;
final class MySchemaManager implements SchemaManagerInterface
public function __construct(
private readonly Client $client,
) {
public function existIndex(Index $index): bool
// TODO we will tackle this later
public function dropIndex(Index $index, array $options = []): ?TaskInterface
// TODO we will tackle this later
public function createIndex(Index $index, array $options = []): ?TaskInterface
// TODO we will tackle this later
Create Indexer#
The Indexer
is responsible for saving and deleting documents.
namespace My\Own\Adapter;
use Some\Third\Party\Client;
use CmsIg\Seal\Adapter\IndexerInterface;
use CmsIg\Seal\Marshaller\Marshaller;
use CmsIg\Seal\Schema\Index;
use CmsIg\Seal\Task\AsyncTask;
use CmsIg\Seal\Task\TaskInterface;
final class MyIndexer implements IndexerInterface
private readonly Marshaller $marshaller;
public function __construct(
private readonly Client $client,
) {
$this->marshaller = new Marshaller();
public function save(Index $index, array $document, array $options = []): ?TaskInterface
// TODO we will tackle this later
public function delete(Index $index, string $identifier, array $options = []): ?TaskInterface
// TODO we will tackle this later
The Marshaller
is responsible for converting the document into an easier Format to index documents.
There exists 2 Marshaller``the ``Marshaller
which keeps nested objects and the FlattenMarshaller
which flatten nested objects to the root by using .
as divider.
Create Searcher#
The Searcher
is responsible for searching documents.
namespace My\Own\Adapter;
use Some\Third\Party\Client;
use CmsIg\Seal\Adapter\SearcherInterface;
use CmsIg\Seal\Marshaller\Marshaller;
use CmsIg\Seal\Schema\Index;
use CmsIg\Seal\Search\Condition;
use CmsIg\Seal\Search\Result;
use CmsIg\Seal\Search\Search;
final class MySearcher implements SearcherInterface
private readonly Marshaller $marshaller;
public function __construct(
private readonly Client $client,
) {
$this->marshaller = new Marshaller();
public function search(Search $search): Result
// TODO we will tackle this later
The Searcher
requires the same Marshaller as the Indexer
to convert the document back to the original format.
Create AdapterFactory#
The AdapterFactory
is responsible for creating the Adapter
mostly used by
integrations into Frameworks Dependency Injection container and constructing the
via a DSN string.
namespace My\Own\Adapter;
use Some\Third\Party\Client;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use CmsIg\Seal\Adapter\AdapterFactoryInterface;
use CmsIg\Seal\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
* @experimental
final class MyAdapterFactory implements AdapterFactoryInterface
public function __construct(
private readonly ?ContainerInterface $container = null,
) {
public function createAdapter(array $dsn): AdapterInterface
$client = $this->createClient($dsn);
return new MyAdapter($client);
* @internal
* @param array{
* host: string,
* port?: int,
* user?: string,
* pass?: string,
* } $dsn
public function createClient(array $dsn): SearchClient
if ('' === $dsn['host']) {
$client = $this->container?->get(Client::class);
return $client;
$client = new Client(
$dsn['host'] . ':' . ($dsn['port'] ?? 9200),+
$dsn['user'] ?? '',
$pass = $dsn['pass'] ?? '',
return $client;
public static function getName(): string
return 'my';
Creating Tests#
The easiest way to create an own Adapter is following TDD (Test Driven Development) and use the shipped TestSuite.
For this we will create the following new files:
For most adapters they require a Third Party client to make constructing of that Client
easier we will create a ClientHelper
class in our new test suite.
namespace My\Own\Adapter\Tests;
use Some\Third\Party\Client;
final class ClientHelper
private static ?Client $client = null;
public static function getClient(): Client
if (!self::$client instanceof Client) {
self::$client = new Client($_ENV['MY_OWN_HOST'] ?? '');
return self::$client;
namespace My\Own\Adapter\Tests;
use My\Own\Adapter\MySchemaManager;
use CmsIg\Seal\Testing\AbstractSchemaManagerTestCase;
use CmsIg\Seal\Testing\TestingHelper;
class MySchemaManagerTest extends AbstractSchemaManagerTestCase
private static Client $client;
public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
self::$client = ClientHelper::getClient();
self::$schemaManager = new MySchemaManager(self::$client);
namespace My\Own\Adapter\Tests;
use My\Own\Adapter\MyAdapter;
use CmsIg\Seal\Testing\AbstractAdapterTestCase;
class MyAdapterTest extends AbstractAdapterTestCase
public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
$client = ClientHelper::getClient();
self::$adapter = new MyAdapter($client);
namespace My\Own\Adapter\Tests;
use My\Own\Adapter\MyAdapter;
use CmsIg\Seal\Testing\AbstractIndexerTestCase;
class MyIndexerTest extends AbstractIndexerTestCase
public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
$client = ClientHelper::getClient();
self::$adapter = new MyAdapter($client);
namespace My\Own\Adapter\Tests;
use My\Own\Adapter\MyAdapter;
use CmsIg\Seal\Testing\AbstractSearcherTestCase;
class MySearcherTest extends AbstractSearcherTestCase
public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
$client = ClientHelper::getClient();
self::$adapter = new MyAdapter($client);
* @doesNotPerformAssertions
public function testFindMultipleIndexes(): void
$this->markTestSkipped('Not supported by MyOwnSearchEngine:');
Implementing Logic#
Now we can begin to implement the logic for our own Adapter.
Implementing SchemaManager#
The SchemaManager
is the required way to start to implement as all other Services
depending on it that it works.
The SchemaManager is responsible for create and drop indexes and configure the Index fields correctly based on their type and defined options. How this can be achieved is different from Search Engine to Search Engine.
Read the Schema documentation to get an overview of the different field types which exists.
vendor/bin/phpunit --filter="SchemaManagerTest"
Now you can step by step implementing the SchemaManager methods.
Examples for different SchemaManager
can be found in the official Repository:
Implementing the Indexer#
After the SchemaManager
works like expected we will continue with the Indexer
This is responsible to save and delete documents from the Search Engine. How this can be achieved
is different from Search Engine to Search Engine.
The IndexerTest
requires a basic Searcher
implementation to work. See next Implementing the Searcher
Examples for different Indexer
can be found in the official Repository:
Implementing the Searcher#
A Basic Searcher
implementation is required that we can test the Indexer
as we need
a way to load a document by its identifier. How this can be achieved is different from
Search Engine to Search Engine. A common way is the following example:
namespace My\Own\Adapter;
use Some\Third\Party\Client;
use CmsIg\Seal\Adapter\SearcherInterface;
use CmsIg\Seal\Marshaller\Marshaller;
use CmsIg\Seal\Schema\Index;
use CmsIg\Seal\Search\Condition;
use CmsIg\Seal\Search\Result;
use CmsIg\Seal\Search\Search;
final class MySearcher implements SearcherInterface
private readonly Marshaller $marshaller;
public function __construct(
private readonly Client $client,
) {
$this->marshaller = new Marshaller();
public function search(Search $search): Result
// optimized single document query
if (
1 === \count($search->filters)
&& $search->filters[0] instanceof Condition\IdentifierCondition
&& 0 === $search->offset
&& 1 === $search->limit
) {
$singleDocumentIndexName = $search->index->name;
$singleDocumentIdentifier = $search->filters[0]->identifier;
try {
$data = $this->client->index($singleDocumentIndexName)->getDocument($singleDocumentIdentifier);
} catch (ApiException $e) {
if (404 !== $e->httpStatus) {
throw $e;
return new Result(
$this->hitsToDocuments($search->index, []),
return new Result(
$this->hitsToDocuments($search->index, [$data]),
* @param Index $index
* @param iterable<array<string, mixed>> $hits
* @return \Generator<int, array<string, mixed>>
private function hitsToDocuments(Index $index, iterable $hits): \Generator
foreach ($hits as $hit) {
yield $this->marshaller->unmarshall($index->fields, $hit);
vendor/bin/phpunit --filter="IndexerTest"
If that works like expected we can continue with the SearcherTest
vendor/bin/phpunit --filter="SearcherTest"
This is the most difficult part to implement all different conditions. How this can be achieved is different from Search Engine to Search Engine.
Read the Search & Filter Conditions documentation to get an overview of the different searches and filters which exists.
Examples for different Searcher
can be found in the official Repository:
If all tests are green you can be sure that your implementation works like expected. You can publish your own adapter also as a composer package if you want to make it public available.
Tag the packagist package with seal-adapter and your use the GitHub Topic seal-php-adapter.
This way also other can easily find your own created adapter.